Thursday, January 11, 2018

1.12.18 Friday Gemstone of the Day: Idocrase/Vesuvianite.

The moon is transiting Sagittarius. You’re in an upbeat, traveling mood and ready to socialize.  Affirmation “I am happy to be alive”  Idocrase/Vesuvianite uses: helps you follow your heart, spiritual growth, moving forward, release old fear patterns, develop intuition, strengthen tooth enamel, improve sense of smell, Heart Chakra   

1.11.18 Thursday Gemstone of the Day: TIger’s Eye

Mercury moves into Capricorn until the end of the month. Our thinking is more grounded and practical and we can really concentrate. Affirmation “I am focused and aware.”  Tiger’s Eye uses: understanding cause and effect, attract a steady flow of money ,entrepreneurial support, stamina, courage, improve eyesight, blood fortifier, Sacral Chakra  

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

1.2.18 Gemstone of the Day: Brown Tourmaline

1.2.18 Gemstone of the Day: Brown Tourmaline. Uranus turns direct in Aries. The Sun is connecting to Neptune. We are more trusting of our instincts and intuition. Express yourself! Brown Tourmaline uses: grounding, protection, self acceptance, enhance creativity, release negativity, balances higher energies, Root and Earth Star Chakras

Monday, January 1, 2018

1.1.18 Gemstone of the Day: Rose Quartz

 The Cancer Full Moon occurs at 924pm EST. Mercury is connecting to Pluto. Full moons are emotional and extroverted. This sensitive lunation is about our emotional needs verses our ambitions. We are extra passionate and crave comfort. Rose quartz uses: healing emotional wounds, grief, attract romantic love, relieve stress, heart problems

Saturday, May 20, 2017

5.21.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: VARISCITE. Mercury is in slightly hard aspect to Mars. This influence can stir up some irritations. Avoid petty arguments and agree to disagree if necessary. Affirmation "I have inner and outer peace. I lovingly accept others." Use VARISCITE to align your spiritual and physical aspects, to help you release unwanted habits, and for healthy brain function. VARISCITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, cleansing, Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Friday, May 19, 2017

5.20.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: CELESTITE.

The Sun moves into Gemini until June 21st. We are more social, curious, and eager for knowledge under this influence. We can also feel scattered at times. Affirmation "I love learning new things. I am eager to explore." Use CELESTITE to boost mental clarity, to deepen your Spiritual connection, and to heal cellular disorders. CELESTITE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. An intuitive, cleansing, Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5.16.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: CARNELIAN.

Mercury enters Taurus today and the Sun is in hard aspect to Saturn. Our thinking and communication is practical and grounded. We are more aware of our personal responsibilities. Affirmation "I create my reality with my thoughts, feelings, and actions." Use CARNELIAN to increase prosperity, to help you be more pragmatic, and for increased stamina. CARNELIAN resonates with ARCHANGEL METATRON. An attractive, energizing, Sacral Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
Book an AstroCrytsal Healing or Spiritual coaching session with me: