Tuesday, April 11, 2017

4.11.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: PINK TOURMALINE

The Libra Full Moon in exact at 209am EST.  Full moons bring manifestation, culmination, and endings. This lunation brings the focus to relationships and balance. Affirmation "I am loving, lovable and I am loved. All of my relationships are harmonious. I live a balanced life." Use PINK TOURMALINE to increase the feeling of safety after abuse, to increase self-love, and heal spinal injuries. PINK TOURMALINE resonates with ARCHANGEL ARIEL. A cleansing, healing Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
Book an AstroCrytsal Healing or Spiritual coaching session with me: www.onebodywm.wixsite.com/onebodywm

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