Monday, October 31, 2016

11.1.16 TUES Gemstone of Day: VARISCITE

The moon is in Sagittarius most of the day. The Sun is connecting to Neptune. Mars is in slightly challenging aspect to Neptune. Unleash repressed desires and relieve stress by engaging in inspiring, artistic activities. Marketing and advertising are favored. Affirmations: “I am creative, motivated, and inspired.” Use VARISCITE to relieve stress, to explore past lives, and for impotence.  VARISCITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL. A cleansing, healing Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Sunday, October 30, 2016

10.31.16 MON Gemstone of Day: MOONSTONE

10.31.16 MON Gemstone of Day: MOONSTONE. The moon is in Scorpio all day. Jupiter and Mercury connect to the North Node. This is great energy for Halloween. Have fun getting dressed up and exploring the mysterious, taboo sides of life. Affirmations: “I see beyond my physical senses into the mysteries of the Universe.” Use MOONSTONE to protect you while traveling at night, to stimulate eroticism, and to boost fertility. MOONSTONE resonates with the ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL. A psychic, healing Crown Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

10.30.16 SUN Gemstone of Day: LABRADORITE

10.30.16 SUN Gemstone of Day: LABRADORITE. The Scorpio New Moon is exact at 138pm EST. Mercury is in harmony with Neptune. Our intuition is strong today. This is a great day to purge on all levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual to allow your creativity and artistic sides to flow freely. Set your New Moon Intentions in the areas of intuition, creativity, and alignment. Affirmations: “I am a Spiritual being having a human experience. I keep the energy in my life flowing and aligned.” Use LABRADORITE to cleanse and protect your aura, for improving creative expression, and to heal respiratory problems.  LABRADORITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. A protective, healing Throat Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Thursday, October 27, 2016

10.28.16 FRI Gemstone of Day: TURQUOISE

The Sun is connected to Mercury and Mercury is making a hard aspect to Chiron. We are inclined to communicate what we feel, for better or worse, but ultimately healing. We are creatively solving our problems. Affirmations: “I communicate clearly. There is a Spiritual solution to every problem” Use TURQUOISE for spiritual restoration, for boosting effective, communications, for allergy relief. TURQUOISE resonates with the ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. A protective, healing Throat Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Self Love

Self love is talked about more and more these days. But what is exactly self-love? Do you love yourself if you take tons of selfies and post them on social media? Does it mean that you have a fantastic body? Does self-love mean that you have lots of confidence? Does self-love mean you never make mistake? We often hear that you cannot love someone else until you love yourself.

Louise Hay provides a very simple definition of self-love: “Self love I moving from separation, isolation, loneliness, anger, fear, and pain, into peacefulness. You relax and enjoy life as it comes to you, knowing that everything will be alright.” According to this definition, real self-love has nothing to do with external factors. Self-love is not to be confused with narcissism.

I believe that a healthy level of self-love is vital to living a successful life. Loving yourself is essential to being all that you can be, regardless of what happens in your life. Self-love is a daily practice that includes self-care, self-acceptance, and embracing your uniqueness.  Practicing self-love requires a commitment to yourself before anyone or anything else. Trusting yourself is also necessary for living an authentic life. When you truly love yourself, you are centered and focused on your purpose despite adversity and the opinion of others. You live a life of intention.

When you love yourself, everything in your life flows. It has nothing to do with being perfect, or being ascetically beautiful, or comparison. Loving yourself is appreciating all that you are and constantly expanding the compassion and understanding that you have of yourself.

Start practicing self-love today. I have created a 30 Day Self Love series which is posted on my Youtube channel, Yogi Lifter Nef, if you need help getting started on you self-love journey. Please watch these videos and remember to like, comment, and subscribe

“Loving yourself creates miracles in your life” – Louise Hay 

10.26.16 WED Gemstone of Day: RUBY

Venus is in harmony with Jupiter. Mercury is now transiting Scorpio. These transits are great for making love and money. You are feeling generous, but avoid overdoing things. Affirmation: “I allow money and pleasure to flow into my life in abundance.” Use RUBY to help you experience love despite past hurts, to improve concentration, and to strengthen the heart. RUBY resonates with the ARCHANGEL ARIEL. A protective, healing Root Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Monday, October 24, 2016

10.25.16 TUES Gemstone of Day: LAPIZ LAZULI

Venus is challenging Neptune. This transit tends to distort your self-image. You may be idealizing a romance, or overindulging. Affirmation: “I practice extreme self-care. Self-love is the best love.” Use LAPIZ LAZULI to reveal your inner truth, to promote self-awareness, and to improve heart rhythms. LAPIZ LAZULI resonates with the ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL. A healing, psychic Throat Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Divine Discontent

Everyone on this planet has a purpose for being here. It is also your calling, your passion, etc. Your purpose is not necessarily your occupation, although it could be. Usually your calling is something that you would do for free. When you are engaged in you purpose, time seems to fly by. You are in a state of bliss and so sure of yourself. You feel almost childlike because you are so focused on the present moment. But what if you are not living from your passion? Have you allowed yourself to get distracted by life’s twists and turns? Do you have a feeling that you are experiencing life on a lower level then you could be? Do you feel like you are just surviving? This feeling is what I call Divine Discontent.

As we grew up, many of the well-meaning adults and other influences may have caused us to lose sight of our goals and suppress our creative selves. They tell us that we need to be responsible adults by going to school, getting a job, taking care of our families, and falling in line with social norms. Our creativity and passions are something we can engage if we have any spare time, otherwise it needs to be suppressed. It is no secret that most people are dissatisfied with their lives.  

It takes a tremendous amount of courage and persistence to live a passionate life. To live from your highest self, it is necessary to remove distractions and complacency. You must believe in yourself and what your unique contribution to the world regardless of what others say or think.  Living with passion involves discipline, tenacity, setbacks, obstacles, pain, and a commitment to the journey. You will be making your own decisions and trusting yourself. Self-love is an essential part of this whole process of living from your passion. Living a life of purpose is living a life of authenticity, which can make some people uncomfortable. Let that all be okay with you.

If you are feeling divine discontent, this is your calling longing to connect with you and seeking outward expression. When you choose to live a passionate life, all that you want and need will be attracted to you like a magnet. Get on with it. The world needs you.

“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.” – Donovan Baily

10.24.16 MON Gemstone of Day: AMETHYST

The Sun is now transiting Scorpio. Jupiter is in hard aspect to Neptune. We are focused on the deeper, more provocative areas of our lives. We are passionate, and can be a little manipulative at times. The Jupiter-Neptune aspect has us examining our boundaries, getting organized, and letting go of what no longer serves us.  Affirmation: “I am on a constant inner journey of self-discovery. Each day I become more of who I am.” Use AMETHYST to reach deeper levels of meditation, for psychic protection, and to help you sleep. AMETHYST resonates with the ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL. A protective, psychic Crown Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,