Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Self Love

Self love is talked about more and more these days. But what is exactly self-love? Do you love yourself if you take tons of selfies and post them on social media? Does it mean that you have a fantastic body? Does self-love mean that you have lots of confidence? Does self-love mean you never make mistake? We often hear that you cannot love someone else until you love yourself.

Louise Hay provides a very simple definition of self-love: “Self love I moving from separation, isolation, loneliness, anger, fear, and pain, into peacefulness. You relax and enjoy life as it comes to you, knowing that everything will be alright.” According to this definition, real self-love has nothing to do with external factors. Self-love is not to be confused with narcissism.

I believe that a healthy level of self-love is vital to living a successful life. Loving yourself is essential to being all that you can be, regardless of what happens in your life. Self-love is a daily practice that includes self-care, self-acceptance, and embracing your uniqueness.  Practicing self-love requires a commitment to yourself before anyone or anything else. Trusting yourself is also necessary for living an authentic life. When you truly love yourself, you are centered and focused on your purpose despite adversity and the opinion of others. You live a life of intention.

When you love yourself, everything in your life flows. It has nothing to do with being perfect, or being ascetically beautiful, or comparison. Loving yourself is appreciating all that you are and constantly expanding the compassion and understanding that you have of yourself.

Start practicing self-love today. I have created a 30 Day Self Love series which is posted on my Youtube channel, Yogi Lifter Nef, if you need help getting started on you self-love journey. Please watch these videos and remember to like, comment, and subscribe

“Loving yourself creates miracles in your life” – Louise Hay 

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