Sunday, October 23, 2016

Divine Discontent

Everyone on this planet has a purpose for being here. It is also your calling, your passion, etc. Your purpose is not necessarily your occupation, although it could be. Usually your calling is something that you would do for free. When you are engaged in you purpose, time seems to fly by. You are in a state of bliss and so sure of yourself. You feel almost childlike because you are so focused on the present moment. But what if you are not living from your passion? Have you allowed yourself to get distracted by life’s twists and turns? Do you have a feeling that you are experiencing life on a lower level then you could be? Do you feel like you are just surviving? This feeling is what I call Divine Discontent.

As we grew up, many of the well-meaning adults and other influences may have caused us to lose sight of our goals and suppress our creative selves. They tell us that we need to be responsible adults by going to school, getting a job, taking care of our families, and falling in line with social norms. Our creativity and passions are something we can engage if we have any spare time, otherwise it needs to be suppressed. It is no secret that most people are dissatisfied with their lives.  

It takes a tremendous amount of courage and persistence to live a passionate life. To live from your highest self, it is necessary to remove distractions and complacency. You must believe in yourself and what your unique contribution to the world regardless of what others say or think.  Living with passion involves discipline, tenacity, setbacks, obstacles, pain, and a commitment to the journey. You will be making your own decisions and trusting yourself. Self-love is an essential part of this whole process of living from your passion. Living a life of purpose is living a life of authenticity, which can make some people uncomfortable. Let that all be okay with you.

If you are feeling divine discontent, this is your calling longing to connect with you and seeking outward expression. When you choose to live a passionate life, all that you want and need will be attracted to you like a magnet. Get on with it. The world needs you.

“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.” – Donovan Baily

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