Thursday, January 26, 2017

1.27.17 FRI Gemstone of Day: LITHIUM QUARTZ

The Aquarius New Moon is exact at 707pm EST. This lunation is bringing fresh energy to friendships, group activities and humanitarianism. Venus is challenging Saturn. Release insecurities and imagine all the possibilities.  Affirmations: “I am open to the new and changing. I look forward to new beginnings.” Use LITHIUM QUARTZ to create more harmony in your world, to stimulate your brain, and to heal self-confidence issues. LITHIUM QUARTZ resonates with ARCHANGEL ChAMUEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your Astrocrystal Healing Session at

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