Thursday, January 26, 2017

Aquarius New Moon 1/27/17

The Aquarius New Moon is exact at 707pm EST. This New Moon marks the beginning of eclipse season which will run until March 12th. This lunation is bringing in fresh energy. Most of us had a pretty rough 2016, as it was a year of endings. This year is about new beginnings. This Aquarius New Moon is about rebirth and starting fresh. We are ready to make a difference, and it starts with how we think and process out world. Expect new beginnings in social projects, friendships, and humanitarian pursuits.

The New Moon itself doesn’t have any harsh aspects. At the time of the New Moon, Venus is squaring Saturn and connects to Mars and Chiron. Practicing self-love and extreme self-care are your greatest gifts to humanity. We are also being asked to really examine our truth and our perceptions. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius is challenging Pluto, Mercury, and Jupiter but connects positively to Saturn. We want to create change in our worlds individually and collectively. This is an excellent time to do shadow work, or, examining our motivations and subconscious patterns.

Set your positive, present tense intentions after the New Moon goes exact. The best times for this cycle are on January 27th between 707pm to 1252am EST on January 28th and then again on January 29th from 11am-11pm.

Happy Aquarius New Moon!

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