Wednesday, November 30, 2016

12.1.16 THUR Gemstone of Day: AMETRINE

Chiron begins moving direct. Mars is in harmony with Jupiter. Emotional issues that we may have been suppressing now begin to surface for resolution. We have more confidence and we are prepared to take action to improve our lives.  Affirmation: “I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way. I now make positive choices to improve my life” Use AMETRINE for psychic protection, to attract money, and to heal depression. AMETRINE resonates with the ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL. An attractive, healing Crown and Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, 

11.30.16 WED Gemstone of Day: WHITE TOPAZ

The Sun is challenging Neptune. This can temporarily make us feel like a deflated balloon. “They say I’m hopeless, like a penny with a hole in it. They say I’m no less, than up to my head in it” Farris Dionne. Remember that this is a transit and it will pass. Restore your motivation by focusing on your Spiritual needs.  Affirmation: “I am a Spiritual being having a human experience. All is well in my world” Use WHITE TOPAZ to help you see the bigger picture and truth of yourself, to enhance Spiritual development, and to strengthen the nervous system. WHITE TOPAZ resonates with the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A cleansing, healing Crown Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sagittarius New Moon 11/29/16

The Sagittarius New Moon is exact is at 718am EST on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. This New Moon is about expansion and going beyond what we experience with our 5 senses. Sagittarius is about the bigger picture. The Archer rules the areas of the higher education, philosophy, long distance travel, media, publishing and Spiritual growth. This New Moon is inspiring, optimistic and courageous. Radical changes are very possible now, and some of us really need it!

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius is in Libra in hard aspect to Venus, Pluto and Uranus, forming a T-Square. The New Moon is also being challenged my Neptune. We are being asked to really stretch and expand ourselves and remain flexible. Authenticity in relationships of all kinds is highly beneficial at this time. Practice extreme self-care. Saturn is also in Sagittarius so we have the power rebuild and restructure our lives. We may get sudden flashes of insight and creative energy. We are encouraged to break free from limitations. What do we really believe about ourselves and about life?

Set your positive, present tense intentions after the New Moon goes exact. The best times for this cycle are on November 29th 2016 between 718am to1108pm and then again on November 30, 2016 between 352am to 718am EST on December 1st.

“There’s gotta be more to life, than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me!” Stacia Orrico, More to Life

11.29.16 TUE Gemstone of Day: PERIDOT

The Sagittarius New Moon is exact at 718am EST. This moon is being challenged by Neptune and the Moon Nodes. Venus is in harmony with Chiron but challenging Uranus. Set your positive, present tense intentions in the areas of independence, expansion, and living a more authentic life. Venus in these aspects can be impulsive and rebellious, but we feel like giving and receiving love and moving forward with plans. Affirmation: “I am optimistic about my life direction. I trust life, Divine Timing, and my abilities to expand.” Use PERIDOT to support your transformation on all levels, to release old patterns that prevent progress, and to ease the pain of childbirth. PERIDOT resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A cleansing, attractive Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Thursday, November 24, 2016

11.25.16 FRI Gemstone of Day: GREEN TOURMALINE

Venus positively connects to Pluto but challenges Jupiter. We need to adjust our expectations regarding our goals, relationships, and finances. Personal power is greater than force. Allow things to come to you. Affirmation: “I trust in Divine Timing and Universal love.” Use GREEN TOURMALINE to attract luck and abundance, to overcome emotional problems, and to heal your plants and garden. GREEN TOURMALINE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, attractive Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

11.24.16 THUR Gemstone of Day: TOURMALATED QUARTZ

Jupiter is challenging Pluto. We feel driven and very ambitious with this energy, but remember we don’t have to prove ourselves to anyone. Avoid putting too much pressure on yourself and go within. As Wayne Dyer said “To successfully open the door to heightened awareness, we must open it inward.” Affirmation: “I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. I am Divinely protected and guided always.” Use TOURMALATED QUARTZ for grounding and psychic protection, to connect to your Divine mind, and as an all-purpose healing stone. TOURMALATED QUARTZ resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAZIEL. A healing, protective Crown Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

11.23.16 WED Gemstone of Day: ATACAMITE

Mercury forms a conjunction with Saturn. This serves as an energetic reality check. Be open to sound, practical advice and keep your thinking positive. Spend some time in meditation or silence. Affirmation: “I know that God’s one and only voice is silence. There are spiritual solutions to every problem or challenge in life.” Use ATACAMITE for emotional healing, to remove energy blocks, and to reduce herpes flair ups. ATACAMITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A cleansing, protective Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Monday, November 21, 2016

11.21.16 MON Gemstone of Day: AMETHYST

The Sun moves into Sagittarius until December 21st.  The Leo Last Quarter Moon is exact early this morning. The Sun connects to Jupiter and Mars connects to the North Node and Neptune. We are focused on the bigger picture and finding true meaning in our lives. This is a time to make intuitive adjustments to our visions and to actions plans initiated at the last New Moon. Affirmation: “I expand my horizons. I know the best is yet to come.” Use AMETHYST for psychic protection, to reformulate creative ideas, and to relieve Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in people and animals.  AMETHYST resonates with the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A cleansing, protective Crown Chakra crystal.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

11.20.16 Gemstone of the Day: Fluorite

Neptune is now moving forward in Pisces. Over the next few weeks we will gain clarity in matters that may have been eluding us. We are regaining our focus. Affirmation "Everything I need to know is revealed to me." Use Fluorite for psychic protection, for mental clarity, and to strengthen bones and teeth. Fluorite resonates with Archangel Jophiel. A cleansing, stimulating, Crown Chakra crystal.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

11.17.16 THUR Gemstone of Day: KAMBABA JASPER

The Moon is in Cancer all day. Neptune connects to the North Node of the Moon as he prepares to station direct. This energy can cause us to see things through rose colored glasses. This is a great time to release anything that is keeping us from moving forward in life, almost a continuation of the Super Moon earlier this week.  Affirmation: “I release all negative, fear-based energy from my life and allow myself to advance on all levels.” Use KAMBABA JASPER to release negativity from your aura, to help you face issues that must be resolved, and for DNA repair.  KAMBABA JASPER resonates with the ARCHANGEL HANIEL. A cleansing, clearing Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Taurus Super Full Moon 11/14/16

The Taurus Super Full Moon is exact on Monday November 14, 2016 at 853 EST. This is the closest the moon has been to the earth since 1948. The moon is very comfortable in Taurus and will be 30% brighter than a regular Full Moon. The next Super Full Moon of this magnitude will not occur again until 2034. If you have personal planets in your chart in Taurus (Sun, Moon, or rising sign) at or close to 22 degrees, you will feel the energy of this Full Moon the most, however we all have Taurus in our natal chart somewhere.

This is potent lunar energy, as all Full Moons represent an opposition between our personality and our emotions. The Scorpio Sun and the Taurus moon are asking us to balance our inner and outer worlds. We are seeking more stability in our lives so we can live in more joy on all levels. Taurus is all about what we love and value, and Scorpio is about the deep, private, intimate matters of life. Are we comfortable and safe? Where do we need transformation? How can we make our world more beautiful? How do we feel about ourselves? This lunation will also bring money and personal security matters to the surface for examination and review. Are there things we need to complete or eradicate? This Full Moon is very grounded and is connecting to Pluto and Chiron, making it especially beneficial for healing and change. We have an opportunity now to manifest the life we desire.

Full Moons are the perfect time to release what no longer serves us. Use this very potent energy to engage in a simple Full Moon Releasing Ritual.  Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you want to be free of, anything that is “heavy”, or anything keeping you from feeling safe and secure. After you complete the list, tear up the paper while repeating, “I bless you with love, and with the power of this Full Moon, I release you from my life.” Take the pieces of paper and burn them with care using an ashtray, fireplace, or pit. If you can do this under the Full Moon, even better. While the paper is burning, repeat “I am open to the abundance of the Universe. I receive my good now.” Repeat this several times until the paper is completely burned to ash.

Happy Full Moon and may you manifest all of your heart’s desires.


11.14.16 MON Gemstone of Day: SEPTARIA

The Taurus Full Moon is exact at 853am EST. This is a super moon of super moons, as it is close to the earth as any moon will be in your lifetime. This is very potent lunar energy. Full moons are emotional, extroverted, and a time for manifesting and culmination. This full moon put an emphasis on balancing our material and spiritual worlds; what he have and are verses our inner transformation.  Affirmation: “My inner and outer worlds are connected and in harmony.” Use SEPTARIA to make personal connections within groups, to gain freedom from others interfering in your life, and to improve foresight. SEPTARIA resonates with the ARCHANGEL URIEL. A balancing, clearing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal.

Friday, November 11, 2016

11.12.16 SAT Gemstone of Day: BLUE TOPAZ

Mercury moves into Sagittarius until Dec 2nd. The Sun is in harmony with Chiron and challenging Uranus. There is also a minor challenge between Mercury and Pluto. We experience an increase in faith and belief while accepting what can and can’t be changed or controlled.  Affirmation: “I believe in myself. I am willing to change and to grow while accepting the present moment.” Use BLUE TOPAZ to boost self-confidence, to increase inner peace, and relieve lockjaw. BLUE TOPAZ resonates with the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A cleansing, healing Throat Chakra crystal.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

11.10.16 THUR Gemstone of Day: AZURITE

11.10.16 THUR Gemstone of Day: AZURITE. The moon is in Pisces and in harmony with the Scorpio Sun. Despite all the political chaos, we can find peace and balance with this energy.  Affirmation: “I choose balance, peace, and harmony, no matter what goes on around me.” Use AZURITE to boost inner independence, to release stress and confusion, and to improve spinal alignment. AZURITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. A cleansing, aligning Throat Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

11.9.16 WED Gemstone of Day: AQUAMARINE

Mars moves into Aquarius until Dec 19th  and connects to Saturn. We are inclined to solve problems, communicate, achieve goals through indirect and unconventional methods. We are willing to release anything unproductive.  Affirmation: “I am a unique spiritual creation. I am in charge of my life direction.” Use AQUAMARINE to enhance intellectual reasoning, to release unhealthy ego patterns, and to heal throat ailments. AQUAMARINE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. A cleansing, healing Throat Chakra crystal.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Day 30 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Your Self Love Practice

Day 29 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Environment

Day 28 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Break-ups

Day 27 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Forgiveness

Day 26 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Fear and Anger

Day 25 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Deservability

Day 24 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Finding Your Purpose

Day 23 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Habit Patterns

Day 22 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Emotional Wounds

Day 21 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Relationships

Day 20 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Spiritual Books

Day 19 of 30 Self Love Challenge//How You Feed Yourself

Day 18 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Identity

Day 17 of 30 Self Love Challenge//More Crystals for Self Love

Day 16 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Abundance

Day 15 of 30 Self Love Challenge//The Issues: Boundaries

Day 14 of 30 Self Love Challenge//The Issues: Narcissism

Day 13 of 30 Self Love Challenge//The Issues: Shadow Work

Day 12 of 30 Self Love Challenge//The Issues: Trust

Day 11 of 30 Self Love Challenge//The Issues: Codependency

Day 10 of 30 Self-Love Challenge//Tools: Crystals and Gemstones

Day 9 of 30 Self Love ChallengeTools Self Love Books

Day 8 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Tools: Meditation

Day 7 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Tools: Body Care

Day 6 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Tools: Exercise

Day 5 of 30 Self Love Challenge//Tools: Rest

Day 4 of 30 Self-Love Challenge//Tools: Mirror Work

Day 3 of 30 Self-Love Challenge//Tools: Affirmations

Day 2 of 30 Self Love Journey//What is Self Love?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

11.7.16 MON Gemstone of Day: PERIDOT

The Aquarius First Quarter Moon occurs today. The Sun is in harmony with Pluto. This is excellent energy for problem solving and overcoming challenges. We are taking more action on any intentions we set at the Scorpio New Moon.  Affirmation: “I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way. I am a powerful creator.” Use PERIDOT to release nervous tension, to increase profits, and to help you quit smoking. PERIDOT resonates with the ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL. A cleansing, attractive Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Saturday, November 5, 2016

11.6.16 SUN Gemstone of Day: GOLDEN YELLOW TOPAZ

The moon is in Capricorn. Mercury in in harmony with Chiron and challenging Uranus. We are sharp, alert, and willing to do things to get our lives together.  Affirmation: “I have the power to make and shape my life anyway that I desire.” Use GOLDEN YELLOW TOPAZ to attract what you want and need, for spiritual and personal growth, and to heal liver and kidney problems. GOLDEN YELLOW TOPAZ resonates with the ARCHANGEL URIEL. A healing, attractive Solar Plexus Chakra crystal.

Friday, November 4, 2016

11.5.16 SAT Gemstone of Day: MAGNETITE

The moon is in Capricorn. Venus is in harmony with Uranus. Mercury is challenging Pallas (asteroid representing courage and warfare). We are focused on finding alternatives and solutions to challenges without getting too emotionally involved.  Affirmations: “My challenges and problems are really opportunities in disguise.” Use MAGNETITE to attract what you want and need, for spiritual grounding, and to align the chakras and meridians. MAGNETITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL METRATRON. A protective, cleansing Earth Star Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Thursday, November 3, 2016

11.4.16 FRI Gemstone of Day: IDOCRASE

Venus is challenging Chiron and in harmony with Uranus. We are willing to release blocks to our desires and money. We are open to new and unusual ways of relating. Affirmations: “My relationships are harmonious because my relationship with myself is harmonious.” Use IDOCRASE to release outworn patterns in your life, for personal and spiritual development, and to help you deal with negative people. IDOCRASE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A cleansing, healing Heart Chakra crystal.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

11.3.16 THUR Gemstone of Day: MALACHITE

The moon is in Sagittarius. Mercury is in harmony with Pluto. The ability to persuade is strong. This energy is great for research and decision making. Affirmations: “Everything I need to know is reveled to me, and everything I need comes to me.” Use MALACHITE to alleviate shyness, for protection against blackmail, and to help release gallstones. MALACHITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A cleansing, healing Heart Chakra crystal. Use with care and don’t ingest.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

11.2.16 WED Gemstone of Day: LAPIZ LAZULI

The moon is in Sagittarius connecting to Saturn and Neptune. The Sun is in harmony with the North Node. We are excited about life and willing to explore possibilities. We may even feel a little restless and ready to “leave that 9-5 up on the shelf.” Affirmations: “My life is a joy and my future is bright. Use LAPIZ LAZULI to support creative ideas and new inventions, to reveal your inner truth, and to heal vocal cord problems. LAPIZ LAZULI resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. A uplifting, healing Throat Chakra crystal.