Monday, November 28, 2016

Sagittarius New Moon 11/29/16

The Sagittarius New Moon is exact is at 718am EST on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. This New Moon is about expansion and going beyond what we experience with our 5 senses. Sagittarius is about the bigger picture. The Archer rules the areas of the higher education, philosophy, long distance travel, media, publishing and Spiritual growth. This New Moon is inspiring, optimistic and courageous. Radical changes are very possible now, and some of us really need it!

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius is in Libra in hard aspect to Venus, Pluto and Uranus, forming a T-Square. The New Moon is also being challenged my Neptune. We are being asked to really stretch and expand ourselves and remain flexible. Authenticity in relationships of all kinds is highly beneficial at this time. Practice extreme self-care. Saturn is also in Sagittarius so we have the power rebuild and restructure our lives. We may get sudden flashes of insight and creative energy. We are encouraged to break free from limitations. What do we really believe about ourselves and about life?

Set your positive, present tense intentions after the New Moon goes exact. The best times for this cycle are on November 29th 2016 between 718am to1108pm and then again on November 30, 2016 between 352am to 718am EST on December 1st.

“There’s gotta be more to life, than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me!” Stacia Orrico, More to Life

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