Sunday, November 13, 2016

Taurus Super Full Moon 11/14/16

The Taurus Super Full Moon is exact on Monday November 14, 2016 at 853 EST. This is the closest the moon has been to the earth since 1948. The moon is very comfortable in Taurus and will be 30% brighter than a regular Full Moon. The next Super Full Moon of this magnitude will not occur again until 2034. If you have personal planets in your chart in Taurus (Sun, Moon, or rising sign) at or close to 22 degrees, you will feel the energy of this Full Moon the most, however we all have Taurus in our natal chart somewhere.

This is potent lunar energy, as all Full Moons represent an opposition between our personality and our emotions. The Scorpio Sun and the Taurus moon are asking us to balance our inner and outer worlds. We are seeking more stability in our lives so we can live in more joy on all levels. Taurus is all about what we love and value, and Scorpio is about the deep, private, intimate matters of life. Are we comfortable and safe? Where do we need transformation? How can we make our world more beautiful? How do we feel about ourselves? This lunation will also bring money and personal security matters to the surface for examination and review. Are there things we need to complete or eradicate? This Full Moon is very grounded and is connecting to Pluto and Chiron, making it especially beneficial for healing and change. We have an opportunity now to manifest the life we desire.

Full Moons are the perfect time to release what no longer serves us. Use this very potent energy to engage in a simple Full Moon Releasing Ritual.  Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you want to be free of, anything that is “heavy”, or anything keeping you from feeling safe and secure. After you complete the list, tear up the paper while repeating, “I bless you with love, and with the power of this Full Moon, I release you from my life.” Take the pieces of paper and burn them with care using an ashtray, fireplace, or pit. If you can do this under the Full Moon, even better. While the paper is burning, repeat “I am open to the abundance of the Universe. I receive my good now.” Repeat this several times until the paper is completely burned to ash.

Happy Full Moon and may you manifest all of your heart’s desires.


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