Sunday, February 26, 2017

2.26.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: SMITHSONITE.

The Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is exact at 958am EST. This eclipse supports fresh starts in Spirituality, self-acceptance, and what inspires us on personal and professional levels over the next few months. Mars connects to Uranus. We can feel very impulsive and ready to make real changes. Affirmations: “I look forward to wonderful new beginnings. I am willing to change.” Use SMITHSONITE to release stress that may cause a nervous breakdown, for deep emotional healing, and to boost your immune system. SMITHSONITE resonates with ASCENDED MASTER KWAN YIN. A cleansing, intuitive Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Saturday, February 25, 2017

2.25.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: LAPIZ LAZULI.

Mercury moves into Pisces. We are more intuitive and receptive to Spiritual guidance. The Sun is in challenging aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. This energy can make us restless. Take your time. Affirmations: “I trust my intuition and I follow it. Time is on my side.” Use LAPIZ LAZULI to support good judgement, to increase your awareness as a Spiritual being, and to heal throat ailments. LAPIZ LAZULI resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A cleansing, intuitive Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2.23.17 THUR Gemstone of the Day: AZURITE

Mercury is in harmony with Saturn. This stabilizing energy is great for getting our heads together. Affirmations: “I am organized in my mind. I release limited thinking and choose expansion.” Use AZURITE to release confusion, to fortify long term career plans,  and to help treat dementia. AZURITE resonates with ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL. A cleansing, mentally stimulating Third Eye Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Sunday, February 19, 2017

2.20.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: MAGNETITE.

Mercury is in harmonious aspect to Uranus. This energy has an innovative, intuitive feel. We are drawn to group activities and also may have the urge to revive an old project. Affirmations: “I enjoy being in the company of good people. All of my ideas are worth considering.” Use MAGNETITE to attract ideal people and situations, to help you view life in a balanced way, and to cleanse your aura. MAGNETITE resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. An attractive, protective, Root and Earth Star Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Saturday, February 18, 2017

2.19.17 SUN Gemstone of Day: SODALITE.

The Moon continues to transit Sagittarius and makes connections to Venus and Neptune. We feel the need to expand our awareness of life and connection to others. Affirmations: “I allow my life to flow freely and unfold perfectly for me.” Use SODALITE to aid you in living your personal truths, to boost communications, and to reduce the fear of public speaking. SODALITE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A cleansing, psychic Throat and Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

2.18.17 SAT Gemstone of Day: AMETHYST

The Sun enters Pisces today until March 20th. The Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon occurs this afternoon. Pisces energy is great for creative visualization, spiritual devotion, and universal love. We can also be passive and gullible. The Last Quarter Moon encourages us to complete what we began at the last New Moon. We are in eclipse season so a lot can change Affirmations: “I have the power to visualize and create my life. I am aware of my purpose.” Use AMETHYST to enhance meditation, to boost intuitive powers, and to ease insomnia. AMETHYST resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A protective, psychic Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2.17.17 THUR Gemstone of Day: CHAROITE

The moon is in Scorpio all day connecting to Mercury and Pluto. This great energy for going within and examining our logic and intuition, and how these are two sides of the same coin. Affirmations: “I trust my intuition and I follow it. I expand my knowledge.” Use CHAROITE to enhance analytical abilities, to boost intuitive powers, and to help prevent sleep walking. CHAROITE resonates with ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL. A calming, intuitive Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2.16.17 THUR Gemstone of Day: AQUAMARINE.

Mercury is in harmonious aspect to Mars. We are very mentally sharp and alert. We are ready to make quick decisions. Affirmations: “My mind is alert, my mind is sharp. Everything I need to know is reveled to me.” Use AQUAMARINE improve articulation, to stimulate your intellectual mind, and to help those with Aquaphobia (fear of water.) AQUAMARINE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A healing, restorative Throat Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2.15.17 WED Gemstone of Day: PINK TOURMALINE.

The Moon is in Libra connecting to Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. We are feeling more in charge with our emotions and integrating the awareness made known at the Full Moon. Affirmations: “I am in charge of my emotions. I am empowered when I feel good.” Use PINK TOURMALINE to release stress and anxiety, to support you in making changes to old emotional patterns, and to treat gynecological issues. PINK TOURMALINE resonates with ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at
#onebodywellnesandmetaphysics #crystalhealing #dailyastrology #pinktoumalinehealing #pinktourmaline #astrocrystalhealingbynef #heartchakra #crystalmeditation #chakrabalancing #alternativehealing #astrology #archangelchamuel #anahatachakra #vaginalhealth #emotionalhealing 

Monday, February 13, 2017

2.14.17 TUE Gemstone of Day: BLOODSTONE

2.14.17 TUE Gemstone of Day: BLOODSTONE. Jupiter is quincunx Chiron. Our goals, beliefs and motivations are under review with this aspect that first peaked in December 2016. This is a good time to examine any insecurities that come up. Affirmations: “Life supports me. It is safe for me to look within.” Use BLOODSTONE for protection against bullying, to boost intuition, and to ward off the flu. BLOODSTONE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, energizing Root and Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Friday, February 10, 2017

2.11.17 SAT Gemstone of Day: AMBER

The Sun is in harmony with Jupiter. This optimistic energy encourages us to grow and reach new levels in our business and relationships. Affirmations: “I welcome the new and expansive. I move forward in life.” Use AMBER to boost vitality, to attract good luck, and to detoxify the body. AMBER resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. An attractive, energizing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

2.10.17 FRI Gemstone of Day: YELLOW TOPAZ.

The Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact at 734pm EST.  Eclipses triple the energy of a Full Moon, heralding major endings and beginnings. This Full Moon illuminates our personality and assertiveness and has a flair for the dramatic, especially in relationships.This is also a manifesting Moon. Mercury connects to Uranus. This energy is ripe for epiphanies and breakthroughs. Affirmations: “I see life clearly. I am willing to let go and trust life. I manifest all that I want and need.” Use YELLOW TOPAZ to help you manifest your intentions, to strengthen your will and confidence, and to heal stomach issues. YELLOW TOPAZ resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. An attractive, energizing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2.9.17 THUR Gemstone of Day: AMETHYST

The Sun is in harmony with Uranus. This is a very innovative energy. We are really tapped into our creativity and willing to try new things. Affirmations: “I am willing to change and to grow. My creativity is in demand.” Use AMETHYST to enhance creativity, for protection against psychic attack, and for headache relief. AMETHYST resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A healing, protective Crown Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Moon Phases and Crystal Healing

Find out how you can combine the power of the earth’s closest astronomical body and the power of Crystals and Gemstones to heal and transform your life.

“How much art and science, and what attention, what care is necessary to render the sun beams which are imprisoned in a tiny polyhedron of pure carbon, brilliant and sparkling”  -  Charles Blanc, Art in Ornament and Dress

The Moon and it’s phases has been a celestial guide to mankind since ancient times.  In Astrology, the Moon represents our emotions and is the ruler of Cancer. This natural satellite takes 27.3 days to orbit the Earth, and along it’s travels passes through different Moon Phases. Each phase represents an action step we can take to improve and heal our lives and manifest what we desire.

Crystals and gemstones have also been used for thousands of years as symbols of wealth, for healing, and energy work. Everything that we are and everything that we see is energy. We can align ourselves with the healing power of crystals and gemstones to improve our lives. Using crystals and gemstones with the transiting Moon further amplifies the energy of each Moon Phase.

“The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, colour, and nuance” Arthur Smith

Moon Phases, Meaning, and Corresponding Crystals

Here is an explanation of the energy with each Moon Phase and Crystals that correspond the energy present

New Moon

The New Moon, or the Dark of the Moon carries the energy of new beginnings, fresh start, and renewal. Set positive, present tense intentions and/or affirmations and continue to work with them until the next moon phase.

Crystals/Gemstones for New Moon

Blue Lace Agate 

·        Strengthens the power of your intentions
·         -Dissolves doubt
·         -Relieves stress and decreases resistance
·         -Boost the power of affirmations and intentions
·         -Encourages pragmatic thinking

White Moonstone

·        - Creative visualization
·         -Deep mediation
·         -Psychic protection
·         -Release worry and anxiety
·         -Mental clarity

Crescent Moon

This is a time to really get clear on your hopes and wishes. What do you really want? Were your New Moon Intentions clear? If you did not write you intentions down, now is the time

Crystals/Gemstones for Crescent Moon


·        - Manifestation
·         -Transmutes negative thinking into positive thinking
·         -Boost self-confidence
·         -Attract money
·         -Release fear

Clear Quartz

·        - Amplifies thoughts and the power of other crystals
·         -Energy boost
·         -Mental Clarity
·         -Eliminates toxins from the body and mind
·         -Perseverance and patience

First Quarter Moon

This is a time to examine your intentions and affirmations set at the New Moon. First Quarter Moons often illuminate any challenges we may have with our intentions. This is a time for action

Crystals/Gemstones for First Quarter Moon


·         -Energy boost
·         -Attract prosperity
·         -Increases ambition
·         -Present moment awareness
·         -Boost courage

Tiger’s Eye

·        - Stimulates action
·         -Enhances creativity
·         -Strengthens will
·         -Amplifies the energy of other crystals
·         -Spiritual grounding

Gibbous Moon

Do you need to make adjustments to your plans? What is working and what isn’t?  Gibbous Moons carries the energies of refining and adjusting your intentions and plans in preparation for the Full Moon.

Crystals/Gemstones for Gibbous Moon


·         -Balances mood swings
·         -Support through major life changes
·         -Helps one discover their life purpose
·         -Psychic protection
·         -Boost physical and spiritual communication


·       -  Helps one get through major life changes
·         -Acceptance of life lessons
·         -Boost communication with Spirit world
·         -Helps with grief or loss
·         -Self-acceptance

Full Moon

Full Moons are about manifesting, closure, endings and awareness. Full Moons are emotional, extroverted, demonstrative and relational. Full Moon manifestations generally manifest within 2 weeks, but could take up to 6 months. Full Moon Eclipses are even more potent and intense than a normal Full Moon, prompting major endings. 

Crystals/Gemstones for Full Moon


·         -Promotes good luck
·         -Manifest money
·         -Deflects negative energy from others
·         -Releases toxins from the body
·         -Removes obstacles

Golden Rutilated Quartz

·        - Amplifies intentions and the power of other crystals
·         -Release the past
·         -Release anxiety and self-loathing
·         -Psychic development
·         -Enhances personal and spiritual growth

Disseminating Moon

What are you grateful for? This is a time of sharing and increased optimism.

Crystals/Gemstones for Disseminating Moon

Rose Quartz

·        - Self-love and self-nurturing
·         -Promotes restful sleep
·         -Helps you to accept life’s changes
·         -Heals heart wounds
·         -Inner child healing


·         -Protects emotions
·         -Promotes calm during a loss or adjustment
·         -Increases trust
·         -Dispels negativity
·         -Increases hope in times of difficulty

Balsamic Moon

During this time, the moon is not making any aspects to other planetary bodies, repairing to become new again. This is a time to rest and surrender.

Crystals/Gemstones for Balsamic Moon

Smokey Quartz

·         -Release tension and stress
·         -Spiritual grounding and protection
·         -Aids in smoking cessation
·         -Dissolves negative energy
·         -Promotes deep meditation


·        - Promotes peace and serenity
·         -Enhances meditation
·         -Powerful emotional body cleanser
·         -Decreases panic attacks
·         -Promotes healing after trauma

Additional Tips


     -There are several ways to use crystals and gemstones: Crystal jewelry, pocket stones, crystals grids
      meditation enhancement, crystal elixirs, etc. Research and discover which way is right for you

·         -Set intentions after the New Moon is exact and avoid Moon Void of Course phases for intention work

·         -Crystals absorb energies and should be cleansed and charged on a regular basis. The crystals you wear should be cleansed and charged every day. Sage smudging is safe for all crystals and gemstones. Some crystals can be cleansed with water depending on their hardness. Salt cleansing should be avoided. You can also do a White Light meditation to cleanse your crystals in a pinch.

·         -Moon rituals can be done up to 2 days after the moon phase

·         -Avoid working with too many crystals at once to keep the intentions clear

·         -Charge your crystals under the Full Moon to enhance their powers. Crystals can also be charged with other larger crystals such as Amethyst and Citrine slabs/geodes.

·        - Avoid letting other people handle your personal crystals (expect those used for healing work).Crystals attune to energy and you want your crystals to work for you

I pray this information is helpful and useful for you. If you have any questions, please reply to this 
post or email

Book your personalized Astro Crystal Healing session at

2.7.17 TUES Gemstone of Day: ANGELITE.

Mercury is now transiting Aquarius. We are innovative and willing to think outside the box. Controversy is intriguing and we are open to change. Affirmation "I am flexible and flowing. I welcome the new.” Use ANGELITE to promote compassion and understanding, to help you communicate difficult ideas, and to contact the Angels. ANGELITE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A cleansing, soothing Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, BOOK YOUR PERSONALIZED ASTROCRYSTAL HEALING SESSION TODAY!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

2.6.17 MON Gemstone of Day: TANZANITE

Jupiter is retrograde in Libra until June 9th. This is good energy to focus on what really matters. We can revive old projects. Pair down excess. Affirmation "I am focused and stay in the present moment.” Use TANZANITE to help you stop dwelling on the unnecessary, for finding solutions to difficult problems, and to strengthen the immune system. TANZANITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. A cleansing, soothing Throat and Third Eye Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

Friday, February 3, 2017

2.4.17 SAT Gemstone of Day: CROCOITE

Venus is now transiting Aries along with Mars. Venus will be in Aries until April 2nd due to her retrograde. Awe, spending more time with her cosmic lover Mars. Our desires, passions, and ambitions are strong. We are focused on what we love and value. We can be impulsive and ready for a fresh start. Mercury is in challenging aspect to Neptune.  This transit can temporarily affect our mental clarity. Daydreaming is a strong theme. Affirmations: “I look forward to new beginnings. I am open and receptive to love. Everything I want and need come to me.” Use CROCOITE to ignite passion and energy, to aid the flow of spiritual energy through the chakras, and to aid reproductive issues. CROCOITE resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. An energizing, cleansing Root Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

#onebodywellnesandmetaphysics #crystalhealing #dailyastrology #crocoitehealing #crocoite #astrocrystalhealingbynef #rootchakra #crystalmeditation #chakrabalancing #alternativehealing #astrology #archangelsandalphon #muladharachakra #passion #venusinaries

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Saturn Transits First House: The Dark Night of the Soul

“ The journey of the Dark Night of the Soul is where we learn who we are, without people telling us.”  - The Requiem of the Moon Poetry

Life works in cycles and seasons. Nothing ever stays the same. The Dark Night of the Soul denotes a period in one’s life where things begin to break down. All that you knew, and all that you think you were begins to dissolve without warning. The Dark night usually occurs when one has achieved a great deal of spiritual growth and knowledge. In order to get to the next level in spiritual growth from this point, suffering is involved. Depression and isolation can be overall themes.

So what does this have to do with Saturn transits in Astrology? Specifically Saturn transiting the first house of self and identity? In Astrology, Saturn governs time, responsibility, discipline, boundaries and restriction. Saturn takes about 2 ½ years to complete a transit of a house. Demands from outside sources and people seem to dominate your life. At the same time, you are being forced to redefine who you are. This is heavy energy and may cause you to want to retreat, but how can you? Feelings of guilt, frustration, irritation and general fatigue begin to become regular parts of your life. Enter the Dark Night.

It has been my observation and experience that Saturn transiting the first house in Astrology is related to the Dark Night of the Soul. When Saturn began transiting my first house, my mother died suddenly. The love of my life walked out on me, leaving me with a lot of heartache and all the bills. I ended up getting pregnant by a guy I dated briefly who turned out to be the craziest person I have ever met in my life. I lost my home, my car, my job, and 3 of my closest friends moved away. I am naturally a determined person, but all of these major life changing events occurred within an 18-month period and left me feeling depleted. My world was completely turned upside down. Prior to these happenings, I had been on a Spiritual path for quite some time and had done a lot of work on myself. I thought things could only get better. Saturn’s presence however determined that I had more lessons to learn.

So how do you get through this necessary period of your Spiritual journey? Surrender, patience, and trust. No matter what occurs in your life, if you are aware of yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience, then on some level you know that you are totally supported by the Universe. This is a time to really tap in to your strength and to utilize all of the tools you have acquired since you began to know yourself as a Spiritual being. Prayer and meditation help tremendously to keep you grounded and in the present moment. Trusting your intuition and following it will ensure that you will do what is necessary to keep you moving forward even if it feels like you are walking through cement. Saturn in the first house and the Dark Night of the Soul both require us to take the leap and do what we came to this school called Earth to do, even if it means we lose everything in the process. Ultimately we are making room for our new life and the ability to fulfill our soul mission, which is what we came here to do. Remember that God never gives us more than we can handle. Call on your Higher Self, the Angels, and your Spirit guides for help when you need it. They are always with us, ready and willing to give us support and guidance but we have to ask. It is also important to allow any negative feelings to flow up and out of you because you have to “feel it to heal it.” This process of release also makes room within you for more light and awareness.

Stay strong. You are going to make it through this time. When it is all over you will be who you really are.


Neferititi Phillips

#saturninfirsthouse #saturninsagittarius #darknightofthesoul #spiritualgrowth