Thursday, February 2, 2017

Saturn Transits First House: The Dark Night of the Soul

“ The journey of the Dark Night of the Soul is where we learn who we are, without people telling us.”  - The Requiem of the Moon Poetry

Life works in cycles and seasons. Nothing ever stays the same. The Dark Night of the Soul denotes a period in one’s life where things begin to break down. All that you knew, and all that you think you were begins to dissolve without warning. The Dark night usually occurs when one has achieved a great deal of spiritual growth and knowledge. In order to get to the next level in spiritual growth from this point, suffering is involved. Depression and isolation can be overall themes.

So what does this have to do with Saturn transits in Astrology? Specifically Saturn transiting the first house of self and identity? In Astrology, Saturn governs time, responsibility, discipline, boundaries and restriction. Saturn takes about 2 ½ years to complete a transit of a house. Demands from outside sources and people seem to dominate your life. At the same time, you are being forced to redefine who you are. This is heavy energy and may cause you to want to retreat, but how can you? Feelings of guilt, frustration, irritation and general fatigue begin to become regular parts of your life. Enter the Dark Night.

It has been my observation and experience that Saturn transiting the first house in Astrology is related to the Dark Night of the Soul. When Saturn began transiting my first house, my mother died suddenly. The love of my life walked out on me, leaving me with a lot of heartache and all the bills. I ended up getting pregnant by a guy I dated briefly who turned out to be the craziest person I have ever met in my life. I lost my home, my car, my job, and 3 of my closest friends moved away. I am naturally a determined person, but all of these major life changing events occurred within an 18-month period and left me feeling depleted. My world was completely turned upside down. Prior to these happenings, I had been on a Spiritual path for quite some time and had done a lot of work on myself. I thought things could only get better. Saturn’s presence however determined that I had more lessons to learn.

So how do you get through this necessary period of your Spiritual journey? Surrender, patience, and trust. No matter what occurs in your life, if you are aware of yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience, then on some level you know that you are totally supported by the Universe. This is a time to really tap in to your strength and to utilize all of the tools you have acquired since you began to know yourself as a Spiritual being. Prayer and meditation help tremendously to keep you grounded and in the present moment. Trusting your intuition and following it will ensure that you will do what is necessary to keep you moving forward even if it feels like you are walking through cement. Saturn in the first house and the Dark Night of the Soul both require us to take the leap and do what we came to this school called Earth to do, even if it means we lose everything in the process. Ultimately we are making room for our new life and the ability to fulfill our soul mission, which is what we came here to do. Remember that God never gives us more than we can handle. Call on your Higher Self, the Angels, and your Spirit guides for help when you need it. They are always with us, ready and willing to give us support and guidance but we have to ask. It is also important to allow any negative feelings to flow up and out of you because you have to “feel it to heal it.” This process of release also makes room within you for more light and awareness.

Stay strong. You are going to make it through this time. When it is all over you will be who you really are.


Neferititi Phillips

#saturninfirsthouse #saturninsagittarius #darknightofthesoul #spiritualgrowth

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