Friday, February 10, 2017

2.10.17 FRI Gemstone of Day: YELLOW TOPAZ.

The Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact at 734pm EST.  Eclipses triple the energy of a Full Moon, heralding major endings and beginnings. This Full Moon illuminates our personality and assertiveness and has a flair for the dramatic, especially in relationships.This is also a manifesting Moon. Mercury connects to Uranus. This energy is ripe for epiphanies and breakthroughs. Affirmations: “I see life clearly. I am willing to let go and trust life. I manifest all that I want and need.” Use YELLOW TOPAZ to help you manifest your intentions, to strengthen your will and confidence, and to heal stomach issues. YELLOW TOPAZ resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. An attractive, energizing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

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