Friday, February 3, 2017

2.4.17 SAT Gemstone of Day: CROCOITE

Venus is now transiting Aries along with Mars. Venus will be in Aries until April 2nd due to her retrograde. Awe, spending more time with her cosmic lover Mars. Our desires, passions, and ambitions are strong. We are focused on what we love and value. We can be impulsive and ready for a fresh start. Mercury is in challenging aspect to Neptune.  This transit can temporarily affect our mental clarity. Daydreaming is a strong theme. Affirmations: “I look forward to new beginnings. I am open and receptive to love. Everything I want and need come to me.” Use CROCOITE to ignite passion and energy, to aid the flow of spiritual energy through the chakras, and to aid reproductive issues. CROCOITE resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. An energizing, cleansing Root Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

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