Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Moon Phases and Crystal Healing

Find out how you can combine the power of the earth’s closest astronomical body and the power of Crystals and Gemstones to heal and transform your life.

“How much art and science, and what attention, what care is necessary to render the sun beams which are imprisoned in a tiny polyhedron of pure carbon, brilliant and sparkling”  -  Charles Blanc, Art in Ornament and Dress

The Moon and it’s phases has been a celestial guide to mankind since ancient times.  In Astrology, the Moon represents our emotions and is the ruler of Cancer. This natural satellite takes 27.3 days to orbit the Earth, and along it’s travels passes through different Moon Phases. Each phase represents an action step we can take to improve and heal our lives and manifest what we desire.

Crystals and gemstones have also been used for thousands of years as symbols of wealth, for healing, and energy work. Everything that we are and everything that we see is energy. We can align ourselves with the healing power of crystals and gemstones to improve our lives. Using crystals and gemstones with the transiting Moon further amplifies the energy of each Moon Phase.

“The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, colour, and nuance” Arthur Smith

Moon Phases, Meaning, and Corresponding Crystals

Here is an explanation of the energy with each Moon Phase and Crystals that correspond the energy present

New Moon

The New Moon, or the Dark of the Moon carries the energy of new beginnings, fresh start, and renewal. Set positive, present tense intentions and/or affirmations and continue to work with them until the next moon phase.

Crystals/Gemstones for New Moon

Blue Lace Agate 

·        Strengthens the power of your intentions
·         -Dissolves doubt
·         -Relieves stress and decreases resistance
·         -Boost the power of affirmations and intentions
·         -Encourages pragmatic thinking

White Moonstone

·        - Creative visualization
·         -Deep mediation
·         -Psychic protection
·         -Release worry and anxiety
·         -Mental clarity

Crescent Moon

This is a time to really get clear on your hopes and wishes. What do you really want? Were your New Moon Intentions clear? If you did not write you intentions down, now is the time

Crystals/Gemstones for Crescent Moon


·        - Manifestation
·         -Transmutes negative thinking into positive thinking
·         -Boost self-confidence
·         -Attract money
·         -Release fear

Clear Quartz

·        - Amplifies thoughts and the power of other crystals
·         -Energy boost
·         -Mental Clarity
·         -Eliminates toxins from the body and mind
·         -Perseverance and patience

First Quarter Moon

This is a time to examine your intentions and affirmations set at the New Moon. First Quarter Moons often illuminate any challenges we may have with our intentions. This is a time for action

Crystals/Gemstones for First Quarter Moon


·         -Energy boost
·         -Attract prosperity
·         -Increases ambition
·         -Present moment awareness
·         -Boost courage

Tiger’s Eye

·        - Stimulates action
·         -Enhances creativity
·         -Strengthens will
·         -Amplifies the energy of other crystals
·         -Spiritual grounding

Gibbous Moon

Do you need to make adjustments to your plans? What is working and what isn’t?  Gibbous Moons carries the energies of refining and adjusting your intentions and plans in preparation for the Full Moon.

Crystals/Gemstones for Gibbous Moon


·         -Balances mood swings
·         -Support through major life changes
·         -Helps one discover their life purpose
·         -Psychic protection
·         -Boost physical and spiritual communication


·       -  Helps one get through major life changes
·         -Acceptance of life lessons
·         -Boost communication with Spirit world
·         -Helps with grief or loss
·         -Self-acceptance

Full Moon

Full Moons are about manifesting, closure, endings and awareness. Full Moons are emotional, extroverted, demonstrative and relational. Full Moon manifestations generally manifest within 2 weeks, but could take up to 6 months. Full Moon Eclipses are even more potent and intense than a normal Full Moon, prompting major endings. 

Crystals/Gemstones for Full Moon


·         -Promotes good luck
·         -Manifest money
·         -Deflects negative energy from others
·         -Releases toxins from the body
·         -Removes obstacles

Golden Rutilated Quartz

·        - Amplifies intentions and the power of other crystals
·         -Release the past
·         -Release anxiety and self-loathing
·         -Psychic development
·         -Enhances personal and spiritual growth

Disseminating Moon

What are you grateful for? This is a time of sharing and increased optimism.

Crystals/Gemstones for Disseminating Moon

Rose Quartz

·        - Self-love and self-nurturing
·         -Promotes restful sleep
·         -Helps you to accept life’s changes
·         -Heals heart wounds
·         -Inner child healing


·         -Protects emotions
·         -Promotes calm during a loss or adjustment
·         -Increases trust
·         -Dispels negativity
·         -Increases hope in times of difficulty

Balsamic Moon

During this time, the moon is not making any aspects to other planetary bodies, repairing to become new again. This is a time to rest and surrender.

Crystals/Gemstones for Balsamic Moon

Smokey Quartz

·         -Release tension and stress
·         -Spiritual grounding and protection
·         -Aids in smoking cessation
·         -Dissolves negative energy
·         -Promotes deep meditation


·        - Promotes peace and serenity
·         -Enhances meditation
·         -Powerful emotional body cleanser
·         -Decreases panic attacks
·         -Promotes healing after trauma

Additional Tips


     -There are several ways to use crystals and gemstones: Crystal jewelry, pocket stones, crystals grids
      meditation enhancement, crystal elixirs, etc. Research and discover which way is right for you

·         -Set intentions after the New Moon is exact and avoid Moon Void of Course phases for intention work

·         -Crystals absorb energies and should be cleansed and charged on a regular basis. The crystals you wear should be cleansed and charged every day. Sage smudging is safe for all crystals and gemstones. Some crystals can be cleansed with water depending on their hardness. Salt cleansing should be avoided. You can also do a White Light meditation to cleanse your crystals in a pinch.

·         -Moon rituals can be done up to 2 days after the moon phase

·         -Avoid working with too many crystals at once to keep the intentions clear

·         -Charge your crystals under the Full Moon to enhance their powers. Crystals can also be charged with other larger crystals such as Amethyst and Citrine slabs/geodes.

·        - Avoid letting other people handle your personal crystals (expect those used for healing work).Crystals attune to energy and you want your crystals to work for you

I pray this information is helpful and useful for you. If you have any questions, please reply to this 
post or email onebodywm@gmail.com

Book your personalized Astro Crystal Healing session at onebodywm.com

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