Sunday, December 18, 2016

12.19.16 MON Gemstone of Day: BLUE LACE AGATE

Mars moves into Pisces until Jan 28th. We are more inclined to pursue our spiritual goals and trusting our intuition before taking action is vital. Mercury is stationing retrograde in Capricorn until Jan 9, dipping back into Sagittarius. Mercury retrograde puts an emphasis on all of the re-words: rethink, re-do, reorganize, restructure. Capricorn is all business, and we are focused on making adjustments in this area. There is a slightly challenging aspect between Mercury and Mars. We need to get a move on things. Affirmation: “I trust in my intuition in business, with money matters and with my communication. I think before I speak and act.” Use BLUE LACE AGATE to help you overcome communication difficulties, to ease work stresses, and to improve fluid balance in the brain. BLUE LACE AGATE resonates with ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL. A cleansing, healing, Throat Chakra crystal.  

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