Tuesday, December 20, 2016

12.21.16 WED Gemstone of Day: IDOCRASE

The Sun moves into Capricorn until Jan 19th. We are feeling more ambitious, disciplined, and organized during this transit. We feel motivated to work towards our long-term goals. Mars is in slightly challenging aspect to Pluto. Avoid power struggles and focus on solutions.   Affirmation: “My goals and dreams are within reach. I do what I need to do to create the life I want.” Use IDOCRASE to help you move forward in your life, to help you find solutions during times of difficulty, and to strengthen your teeth. IDOCRASE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A clearing, stimulating Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, onebodywm.com

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