Monday, December 12, 2016

Gemini Super Full Moon 2016

The Gemini Full Moon occurs at 22 degrees and is exact at 705pm EST. This is the last of 4 Super Moons this year. Super Moons are close to the earth, making them more potent. Full moon energy is in play for 2 weeks and can be a time for emotional exchange, manifestation, endings, and awareness. The Sagittarius Sun is connecting to this Gemini moon and is asking us to examine our communications, relationships, our wisdom, and expansion This is a very social Full Moon.

There are a lot of planetary connections at the time of this Full Moon. The Sun aligns with Saturn which asks us to expand and stretch when it comes to our responsibilities, life lessons, and how we manage our time. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler is beginning to slow down preparing to retrograde on December 19th and is in Capricorn with Pluto. Mercury is also challenging Jupiter. Our words are very powerful and what we say can have a huge impact for better or for worse. How do others receive what we are communicating? Are we coming from a loving place with our communication? Uranus is also beginning to move forward a few days after this Full Moon. We need more progress, freedom, and evolution. Chiron is creating a T Square with this Full Moon. This energy invites us to heal and accept ourselves as we are right now. We are asked to realize the difference between responsibility verses blame. Be gentile, kind, and patient with yourself. Be here now.

Full Moons are the perfect time to release what no longer serves us. Use this very potent energy to engage in a simple Full Moon Releasing Ritual.  Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you want to be free of, anything that is “heavy”, or anything keeping you from feeling safe and secure. After you complete the list, tear up the paper while repeating, “I bless you with love, and with the power of this Full Moon, I release you from my life.” Take the pieces of paper and burn them with care using an ashtray, fireplace, or pit. If you can do this under the Full Moon, even better. While the paper is burning, repeat “I am open to the abundance of the Universe. I receive my good now.” Repeat this several times until the paper is completely burned to ash.

Happy Full Moon and may you manifest all of your heart’s desires.

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