Friday, December 23, 2016

12.24.16 SAT Gemstone of Day: HERKIMER DIAMOND

Saturn is making his first trine to Uranus. This is a time of breakthroughs, establishing structure in our lives, improvements through higher education, and more creative freedom. This positive, progressive influence will be with us throughout 2017. Affirmations: “I now release old restraints and constraints. I am free. I’ve learned the lessons, and now I make positive changes in my life.” Use HERKIMER DIAMONDS to increase the flow of Spiritual energy through the body, to help you stay in the vibration of “allowing”, and for pain relief. Use them to boost the energy of other crystals and storing affirmations. HERKIMER DIAMONDS resonates with ARCHANGEL RAZIEL. A clearing, aligning Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

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