Monday, December 5, 2016

12.6.16 TUE Gemstone of Day: CRYOLITE

12.6.16 TUE Gemstone of Day: CRYOLITE. Mars is in harmony with Uranus. This energy helps us to make positive life changes and overcome obstacles.  Affirmation: “I am adequate for all situations. I can handle anything that comes my way.” Use CRYOLITE to connect to Your Higher Self (God, Goddess, Angels. Guides. Etc), to help you release thought forms and beliefs that no longer serve you, and for healthy brain function. CRYOLITE resonates with the ARCHANGEL RAZIEL. A mentally stimulating, aligning Third Eye Chakra crystal. Can also be used at the Crown and Heart Chakras Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro,

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