Sunday, March 12, 2017

3.12.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: BLUE TOPAZ.

The Virgo Full Moon is exact at 10:55am EST. Full moons bring awareness, manifestations, and endings. We are seeking balance between our practical and Spiritual selves. Mercury is challenging Saturn. Communications are sensitive. This can be an emotional day. Practice self-care. Affirmations "I choose balance, harmony and peace in all areas of my life. I release all criticism and choose love. ” Use BLUE TOPAZ to calm your emotions,  to uncover lies and delusions,  and to improve vision. BLUE TOPAZ resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A healing, balancing Throat and Third Eye Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

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