Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Being an Empath

“ You are so sensitive!” Has anyone ever said this to you? The perception of sensitivity is often seen as a bad thing. In this patriarchal society, we are told that being tough, hard, and resilient are revered qualities and that being too in touch with your feelings is indicative of weakness.

Empaths are people who can be considered “energetic sponges”. They are like conduits and receivers of emotions. Empathic people are often psychic and very aware of the energies and emotional experiences of people, places and animals. People often confide in them and like to talk to them about their problems because they know what people need to hear, yet may have difficulty expressing their own emotions. It may even be challenging for an empath to distinguishing their emotions form other people’s emotions. Empaths are sometimes even targets of bad treatment because they feel like people need them to be there for them. This can cause a build-up of negative energy that can manifest as anxiety, depression, and feeling lonely.

Being an empath is not a bad thing. Being sensitive to your surroundings and others allows you to experience life on a deeper level. Love, art, music, delicious foods and your passions become very profound and meaningful. Your ability to help and support people is needed in this world. Empaths make very good counselors, coaches, and intuitive workers.  It is easy for an empath to tell when someone is being dishonest, even if they don’t acknowledge it. Empaths naturally care about people and their well being.

On the flip side, empaths are constantly absorbing energy around them. This can leave one mentally and physically tired. Absorbing outside energies can be happening whether the empath is aware of it or not. The most important thing an empath can do is to become aware of any negative emotions that don’t belong. Everyone has a right to choose how they feel and everyone has the ability to set strong emotional boundaries. Empaths also need to know that it is safe to be authentic with others. Knowing and loving the self and addressing personal needs keeps us in balance. Crystals such an Amethyst and Black Tourmaline are also very powerful, supportive, and protective for empaths. Empaths also benefit from spending time in nature, as earth energies are restorative and cleansing. A strong, trustworthy support system of loving, authentic people is also extremely helpful for the empathic soul.

Empaths are very powerful beings, as they help to heal and raise the vibration of the entire planet. If you are empathic, embrace your gift. Your influence and energetic presence is much needed. 

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