Monday, March 20, 2017

3.20.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: CITRINE

The Sun moves into Aries at 629am EST. This is the Astrological New Year. We are motivated, inspired, brave, and ready for new starts. Even so the Capricorn last quarter moon is also exact today. We are wrapping up what we started at the last New Moon. One door is closing and another is opening. Affirmations "It's a new season and I move into new glorious experiences. The past is done.” Use CITRINE to attract abundance, to clear negativity, and to boost stamina. CITRINE resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. A healing, attractive Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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