Tuesday, March 14, 2017

When Life Throws You Lemons…

Life doesn’t always go as we planned. In fact, life is what happens when we have other plans. No one is immune to the setbacks, challenges, and failures. This simple fact often scares us and keeps up from moving forward with plans and taking action. We want things to be perfect and hassle free. Unfortunately, this is not a worthy goal. We have a choice whether or not to accept that life will challenge us, or remain stuck.

It’s through life’s hard times that we find out who we really are. We don’t know far along we are until we are tested. When life throws us curve balls, we begin to discover our insecurities and this gives up an opportunity to work on them. Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities. You can ask yourself during these times, what would a more confident and stronger version of myself do?

If you are reading this, that means that you have survived 100% of your worst days, and you will press on. You are strong, because you have been weak. You become fearless by experiencing fear and working through it. Be thankful for your struggles because you find your true strength. You learn to master your moods, develop more self-control, and use your inner wisdom. It takes real courage to work through the tough times, but when you do that energy passes into your resolve, life experience, and overall sense of well-being.

At some point, life challenges have a way of fitting into your development and make sense. You realize that you have pushed past what you thought you could not do or experience. Hopefully, you begin to work even harder on yourself and integrate the lessons. You will definitely know yourself better, which ultimately makes it all worth it.

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