Saturday, May 20, 2017

5.21.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: VARISCITE. Mercury is in slightly hard aspect to Mars. This influence can stir up some irritations. Avoid petty arguments and agree to disagree if necessary. Affirmation "I have inner and outer peace. I lovingly accept others." Use VARISCITE to align your spiritual and physical aspects, to help you release unwanted habits, and for healthy brain function. VARISCITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, cleansing, Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Friday, May 19, 2017

5.20.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: CELESTITE.

The Sun moves into Gemini until June 21st. We are more social, curious, and eager for knowledge under this influence. We can also feel scattered at times. Affirmation "I love learning new things. I am eager to explore." Use CELESTITE to boost mental clarity, to deepen your Spiritual connection, and to heal cellular disorders. CELESTITE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. An intuitive, cleansing, Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5.16.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: CARNELIAN.

Mercury enters Taurus today and the Sun is in hard aspect to Saturn. Our thinking and communication is practical and grounded. We are more aware of our personal responsibilities. Affirmation "I create my reality with my thoughts, feelings, and actions." Use CARNELIAN to increase prosperity, to help you be more pragmatic, and for increased stamina. CARNELIAN resonates with ARCHANGEL METATRON. An attractive, energizing, Sacral Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4.26.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: IOLITE

The Taurus Full Moon is exact at 816a. Set your positive, present tense intentions in the areas of pleasure, work, and money. Affirmation "I am productive, propsperous, and pleasing." Use IOLITE to increase personal responsibiity, for support in extremely adverse situations, andfor healthy hair and nails . IOLITE resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A cleansing, motivating Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Sunday, April 23, 2017

4.24.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: CITRINE

The moon is in Aries connecting to Jupiter. We are ready for a fresh start and taking initiatives. Stay grounded. Affirmation "I am inspired by new beginnings" Use CITRINE to attract wealth, to boost productivity, and to energetically cleanse a space. CITRINE resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. An attractive, cleansing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

4.11.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: PINK TOURMALINE

The Libra Full Moon in exact at 209am EST.  Full moons bring manifestation, culmination, and endings. This lunation brings the focus to relationships and balance. Affirmation "I am loving, lovable and I am loved. All of my relationships are harmonious. I live a balanced life." Use PINK TOURMALINE to increase the feeling of safety after abuse, to increase self-love, and heal spinal injuries. PINK TOURMALINE resonates with ARCHANGEL ARIEL. A cleansing, healing Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Friday, March 31, 2017

3.31.17 FRI Gemstone of the Day: CARNELIA

Mercury moves into Taurus for an extended stay due to his retrograde. We are more practical, grounded, and even possibly rigid in our thinking during this transit. Affirmation "My mind is alert, sharp, and focused." Use CARNELIAN to encourage pragmatic thinking, for helping you stay in the present moment, and to heal lower back problems. CARNELIAN resonates with ARCHANGEL METATRON. An attractive, energizing Sacral Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
Book an AstroCrytsal Healing or Spiritual coaching session with me:

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

3.29.17 WED Gemstone of the Day: BROWN TOURMALINE

Mercury connects to Saturn and Neptune. This energy is great for making goals, dreams and plans a reality through organized planning. Affirmations "I do one thing a a time. I take positive action steps towards my goals." Use BROWN TOURMALINE to help boost your self esteem, for support during difficult transitions, and for spiritual grounding. BROWN TOURMALINE resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. A protective, cleansing Root Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Monday, March 27, 2017

3.27.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: APACHE TEARS.

The Aries New Moon is exact at 1059pmEST. This New Moon is in challenging aspect to Saturn, Chiron, Jupiter and Pluto. Mars is in harmony with Neptune. This energy is great for new starts, letting go of guilt, and past conditioning. Affirmations "I attract new and exciting life experiences. I release the past with love. I look forward to wonderful new beginnings." Use APACHE TEARS to help you release any negativity that is holding you back, for spiritual grounding and protection, and to boost your immune system. APACHE TEARS resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. A healing, protective Root Chakra crystal.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

3.26.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: BLUE AVENTURINE

Mercury connects to Uranus. We are seeking intellectual and sensory stimulation. Avoid being scatterbrained. Affirmations "I attract new and exciting life experiences. I receive inspired ideas." Use Use BLUE AVENTURINE to help you overcome bad habits, to boost inspiration, and to heal chronic pain. BLUE AVENTURINE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A mentally stimulating, soothing Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Saturday, March 25, 2017

3.25.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: EMERALD

The Sun connects to Retrograde Venus. We are focused on what we really want materially and what we want from our relationships Affirmations "I deserve the best and I accept it now. All my needs are met. " Use EMERALD to revive passions for love and work, to heal from a heartbreak, and to heal lung problems.  EMERALD resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Friday, March 24, 2017

3.24.17 FRI Gemstone of the Day: MORGANITE

Mercury is in opposition to Jupiter. We are imagining all the possibilities of life. Avoid exaggeration, being dominated and petty disagreements. Affirmations "I choose to think big. Love is everywhere. " Use MORGANITE to experience more Divine love, to help women not be dominated by men, and to heal lung problems.  MORGANITE resonates with ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
Book an AstroCrytsal Healing or Spiritual coaching session with me:

Thursday, March 23, 2017

3.23.17 THUR Gemstone of the Day: FIRE AGATE

Mercury is challenging Pluto and Mars is challenging Chiron. This energy is ripe for bringing up anxiety, nervousness and insecurities. Practice extreme self-care. Affirmations "No person, place or thing has any power over me. I'm the only thinker in my mind. " Use FIRE AGATE to send negativity back to its source, to to assist with deep self analysis, and to treat lethargy.  FIRE AGATE resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. A healing, protective Root Chakra crystal. Can be used for all of the lower chakras. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

3.22.17 WED Gemstone of the Day: SMOKEY QUARTZ

The moon continues to transit Capricorn aligning with Pluto and connecting to the Jupiter-Uranus square. We can easily identity areas of restriction and tension. Affirmations " I am safe and I am free. Total freedom begins in my mind. " Use SMOKEY QUARTZ for physical and psychic protection, to remove negativity energy from the body, and to treat kidney problems. SMOKEY QUARTZ resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. A healing, protective Root Chakra crystal. Can be used for all of the lower chakras. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Being an Empath

“ You are so sensitive!” Has anyone ever said this to you? The perception of sensitivity is often seen as a bad thing. In this patriarchal society, we are told that being tough, hard, and resilient are revered qualities and that being too in touch with your feelings is indicative of weakness.

Empaths are people who can be considered “energetic sponges”. They are like conduits and receivers of emotions. Empathic people are often psychic and very aware of the energies and emotional experiences of people, places and animals. People often confide in them and like to talk to them about their problems because they know what people need to hear, yet may have difficulty expressing their own emotions. It may even be challenging for an empath to distinguishing their emotions form other people’s emotions. Empaths are sometimes even targets of bad treatment because they feel like people need them to be there for them. This can cause a build-up of negative energy that can manifest as anxiety, depression, and feeling lonely.

Being an empath is not a bad thing. Being sensitive to your surroundings and others allows you to experience life on a deeper level. Love, art, music, delicious foods and your passions become very profound and meaningful. Your ability to help and support people is needed in this world. Empaths make very good counselors, coaches, and intuitive workers.  It is easy for an empath to tell when someone is being dishonest, even if they don’t acknowledge it. Empaths naturally care about people and their well being.

On the flip side, empaths are constantly absorbing energy around them. This can leave one mentally and physically tired. Absorbing outside energies can be happening whether the empath is aware of it or not. The most important thing an empath can do is to become aware of any negative emotions that don’t belong. Everyone has a right to choose how they feel and everyone has the ability to set strong emotional boundaries. Empaths also need to know that it is safe to be authentic with others. Knowing and loving the self and addressing personal needs keeps us in balance. Crystals such an Amethyst and Black Tourmaline are also very powerful, supportive, and protective for empaths. Empaths also benefit from spending time in nature, as earth energies are restorative and cleansing. A strong, trustworthy support system of loving, authentic people is also extremely helpful for the empathic soul.

Empaths are very powerful beings, as they help to heal and raise the vibration of the entire planet. If you are empathic, embrace your gift. Your influence and energetic presence is much needed. 

3.21.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: TIGER'S EYE.

The moon continues to transit Capricorn. There is ease is pursuing our goals and action plans. Affirmations " I easily manifest my goals, dreams, and desires. I work hard and diligently on myself" Use TIGER'S EYE to attract  good luck, for support through a major career change, and to improve night vision. TIGER'S EYE resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. A healing, attractive Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Can be used for all of the lower chakras. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Monday, March 20, 2017

The Dangers of Escapism

When most people think of addictions the first thing that usually comes to mind is having an unhealthy connection to food, alcohol, drugs, porn, etc.  However, if we look beyond the actions and patterns of addiction, what we are really dealing with is escapism. There is a need to be anywhere but in the present moment. This is pervasive in our culture today.

Escapism is defined as the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by entertainment or engaging in fantasy. There are the extremes of addiction to substances, but escapism can also manifest into watching too much TV, reading books, listening to music, social media, daydreaming, working out, and so on. These activities can be healthy and even useful in small doses. Taking breaks and vacations are necessary and restorative. We all need a break and we all need outlets for balance. It becomes an issue when it goes too far and affects out productivity and forward movement in life. All we want to do is escape avoid what is going on.

Escapism in the extreme allows us to avoid shame and emotional pain. It is impossible to fully escape from life and all of the twists, turns, ups and down. If escapism is an issue, you can learn to find balance again and get yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life. For starters, it is vital to improve and maintain the relationship to yourself. Do you love who you are? Do you accept yourself totally in the here and now? It is my belief that when escapism begins to have a negative influence on your life that it is an indication of deep seated self-loathing. No matter how hard you try, you can’t escape from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are. Habitual escapism will eventually alienate you from your friends, family, and it can keep you from living the life you truly deserve because you will not be setting worthy goals.

The methods of escapism in and of themselves are not the issue. Rather, it’s the motivation behind the actions. It is important to identity what you are actually trying to escape from. Are we in a relationship that has ran its course? Perhaps we are in an unfulfilling job and we look forward to getting a drink after work? Are you not happy with your weight? What are you really trying to disassociate with? This will require some introspection and ultimately taking responsibility for your life and everything in it. This is not an easy task and it will take some time, especially if escapism has been a coping mechanism for you for a long time. The sting of reality can be painful. However, it can be done, and you will be a stronger, more aware version of yourself.

3.20.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: CITRINE

The Sun moves into Aries at 629am EST. This is the Astrological New Year. We are motivated, inspired, brave, and ready for new starts. Even so the Capricorn last quarter moon is also exact today. We are wrapping up what we started at the last New Moon. One door is closing and another is opening. Affirmations "It's a new season and I move into new glorious experiences. The past is done.” Use CITRINE to attract abundance, to clear negativity, and to boost stamina. CITRINE resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. A healing, attractive Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Sunday, March 19, 2017

3.19.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: SODALITE

The moon is in Sagittarius connecting to Jupiter. We are seeking truth, freedom, and expansion. Affirmations "I am a truth seeker. Freedom is my Divine right. ” Use SODALITE release outworn mental programming, to stimulate the Pineal Gland, and for support after  chemotherapy. SODALITE resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A healing, cleansing Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Saturday, March 18, 2017

3.18.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: ANYOLITE

Mercury connects to retrograde Venus. It is easier to talk about past relationships and determine what may have gone wrong. This includes relationships with people, places, and things. Affirmations "I am in harmony with life. All relationships in my life have taught me valuable lessons. ” Use ANYOLITE promote harmony in relationships, to enhance the connection between the heart and mind, and to improve circulation. ANYOLITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, protective Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Friday, March 17, 2017

3.17.17 FRI Gemstone of the Day: SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN

The Sun is challenging Saturn. We may feel blocked or there may be obstacles between us and our goals. It's all perception. Affirmations "I can handle anything that comes my way. All problems are opportunities in disguise. ” Use SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN to help you learn from your mistakes, to help you stay calm and balanced during chaos, and to improve skin. SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. A purifying, soothing Root Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

3.15.17 WED Gemstone of the Day: MALACHITE

The moon enters Scorpio at 11:11am. This is in energetic gateway to help us release old habits and though patterns that no longer serve us in a positive way. Affirmations "I am willing to release all resistance. I welcome the new and positive.” Use MALACHITE to absorb negative energy from the body, to overcome the fear of flying, and to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. MALACHITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. An healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal. Toxic if ingested.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

When Life Throws You Lemons…

Life doesn’t always go as we planned. In fact, life is what happens when we have other plans. No one is immune to the setbacks, challenges, and failures. This simple fact often scares us and keeps up from moving forward with plans and taking action. We want things to be perfect and hassle free. Unfortunately, this is not a worthy goal. We have a choice whether or not to accept that life will challenge us, or remain stuck.

It’s through life’s hard times that we find out who we really are. We don’t know far along we are until we are tested. When life throws us curve balls, we begin to discover our insecurities and this gives up an opportunity to work on them. Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities. You can ask yourself during these times, what would a more confident and stronger version of myself do?

If you are reading this, that means that you have survived 100% of your worst days, and you will press on. You are strong, because you have been weak. You become fearless by experiencing fear and working through it. Be thankful for your struggles because you find your true strength. You learn to master your moods, develop more self-control, and use your inner wisdom. It takes real courage to work through the tough times, but when you do that energy passes into your resolve, life experience, and overall sense of well-being.

At some point, life challenges have a way of fitting into your development and make sense. You realize that you have pushed past what you thought you could not do or experience. Hopefully, you begin to work even harder on yourself and integrate the lessons. You will definitely know yourself better, which ultimately makes it all worth it.

3.14.17 TUE Gemstone of the Day: DUMOTIERITE

The Sun and Chitin align in Pisces. We can clearly see our insecurities and move through them. Affirmations "I am safe and secure within myself.” Use DUMOTIERITE to help you stand up for yourself, to increase patience, and to stimulate the pineal gland. DUMOTIERITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAZIEL. An intuitive, cleansing Third Eye Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

Monday, March 13, 2017

3.13.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: AQUAMARINE.

Mercury is now transiting Aries until March 31st. Our thinking and communications are more direct and assertive with this energy. Affirmations "I clearly communicate my desires. I think clearly and receive Divine ideas.” Use AQUAMARINE to overcome shyness, to improve communications between contrasting personalities, and to heal laryngitis. AQUAMARINE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. A healing, cleansing Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

Sunday, March 12, 2017

3.12.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: BLUE TOPAZ.

The Virgo Full Moon is exact at 10:55am EST. Full moons bring awareness, manifestations, and endings. We are seeking balance between our practical and Spiritual selves. Mercury is challenging Saturn. Communications are sensitive. This can be an emotional day. Practice self-care. Affirmations "I choose balance, harmony and peace in all areas of my life. I release all criticism and choose love. ” Use BLUE TOPAZ to calm your emotions,  to uncover lies and delusions,  and to improve vision. BLUE TOPAZ resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A healing, balancing Throat and Third Eye Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

Saturday, March 11, 2017

3.11.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: AMETRINE.

The Sun connects to Jupiter. This energy encourages freedom and successfully solving problems. Affirmations "Freedom is my Divine right. I can handle anything that comes my way. ” Use AMETRINE to boost mental clarity, to promote inner peace, and to alleviate depression. AMETRINE resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A healing, protective Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

Friday, March 10, 2017

3.10.17 FRI Gemstone of the Day: BLUE LACE AGATE

Mercury connects to Chiron in Pisces. This energy causes us to be more intuitive and open minded. Affirmations "I see the bigger picture. I trust my intuition.” Use BLUE LACE AGATE to boost communications, to increase the power of your affirmations,  and to heal throat issues. BLUE LACE AGATE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A healing, cleansing Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

Thursday, March 9, 2017

3.9.17 THUR Gemstone of the Day: CITRINE.

Mars moves into Taurus until mid-April. Our determination is strong. The shadow side of this transit is rigidity and stubbornness. We can achieve our goals through patient action. Mercury is in hard aspect to Jupiter. What are we overestimating or underestimating? Affirmations "I seek balance and understanding. I am willing to release all resistance. I am patient and stable. ” Use CITRINE to manifest money, to clear negative thinking, and for endocrine system support. CITRINE resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. An attractive, cleansing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Mind Body Fitness Pro

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3.8.17 WED Gemstone of the Day: EMERALD

The Moon is in Cancer and challenges Mars before moving into Leo. We know what we need to do, but may not feel like doing it. "I do what I need to do when I need to do it.” Use EMERALD to revive passions, to strengthen discernment, and to heal the physical heart. EMERALD resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro

Sunday, March 5, 2017

3.5.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: ANYOLITE.

3.5.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: ANYOLITE. Mars is in hard aspect to Neptune and in harmony with Saturn. We may feel temporarily deflated but later on discover pragmatic ways to reach our goals and dreams.  Affirmations: “Affirmations plus action equals results. I receive Divine ideas.” Use ANYOLITE to increase self-awareness, to help you allow your goals to materialize and to help you see auras. ANYOLITE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Saturday, March 4, 2017

3.4.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: EMERALD

Venus moves into Aries, and then back into Pisces until June 6th due to her retrograde this month. We are asked to reassess relationships, money, and what we love and value. Mercury aligns with Neptune which helps us feel inspired and creative. We are also prone to daydreaming. Affirmations: “I love what I have. My life is valuable. I create my world.” Use EMERALD to promote balance in relationships, to enhance intuition, and to heal lung disorders. EMERALD resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. An attractive, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

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Friday, March 3, 2017

3.3.17 FRI Gemstone of the Day: BLOODSTONE

Mercury is in slightly challenging aspect to Mars. Things can be hectic but take your time. Patience is a virtue. Affirmations: “I am gentile, kind, and patient with myself. I trust in Divine timing.” Use BLOODSTONE to increase mental clarity, to help ease misunderstandings, and to boost energy after an injury. BLOODSTONE resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. A grounding, cleansing Root Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3.2.17 THUR Gemstone of the Day: FIRE AGATE

Jupiter is opposing Uranus. We are desiring to break free from the normal routine. We may be seeking more freedom from restraints, especially in relationships. Affirmations: “Freedom begins in my mind. I attract fresh energy to myself.” Use FIRE AGATE to re-energize routines, to send negative energy back to its source, and to treat colon issues. FIRE AGATE resonates with ARCHANGEL METATRON. An attractive, protective Sacral Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

3.1.17 WED Gemstone of the Day: AMETRINE

The Sun connects to Neptune. This energy promotes Spiritual growth and is very inspiring and creative. We may flexible in our morals and goals. Affirmations: “I trust my intuition. I receive Divine ideas.” Use AMETRINE to deepen and enhance meditation,  for mental and emotional clarity, and for headache relief. AMETRINE resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. An attractive, protective Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Sunday, February 26, 2017

2.26.17 SUN Gemstone of the Day: SMITHSONITE.

The Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is exact at 958am EST. This eclipse supports fresh starts in Spirituality, self-acceptance, and what inspires us on personal and professional levels over the next few months. Mars connects to Uranus. We can feel very impulsive and ready to make real changes. Affirmations: “I look forward to wonderful new beginnings. I am willing to change.” Use SMITHSONITE to release stress that may cause a nervous breakdown, for deep emotional healing, and to boost your immune system. SMITHSONITE resonates with ASCENDED MASTER KWAN YIN. A cleansing, intuitive Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Saturday, February 25, 2017

2.25.17 SAT Gemstone of the Day: LAPIZ LAZULI.

Mercury moves into Pisces. We are more intuitive and receptive to Spiritual guidance. The Sun is in challenging aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. This energy can make us restless. Take your time. Affirmations: “I trust my intuition and I follow it. Time is on my side.” Use LAPIZ LAZULI to support good judgement, to increase your awareness as a Spiritual being, and to heal throat ailments. LAPIZ LAZULI resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A cleansing, intuitive Throat Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2.23.17 THUR Gemstone of the Day: AZURITE

Mercury is in harmony with Saturn. This stabilizing energy is great for getting our heads together. Affirmations: “I am organized in my mind. I release limited thinking and choose expansion.” Use AZURITE to release confusion, to fortify long term career plans,  and to help treat dementia. AZURITE resonates with ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL. A cleansing, mentally stimulating Third Eye Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Sunday, February 19, 2017

2.20.17 MON Gemstone of the Day: MAGNETITE.

Mercury is in harmonious aspect to Uranus. This energy has an innovative, intuitive feel. We are drawn to group activities and also may have the urge to revive an old project. Affirmations: “I enjoy being in the company of good people. All of my ideas are worth considering.” Use MAGNETITE to attract ideal people and situations, to help you view life in a balanced way, and to cleanse your aura. MAGNETITE resonates with ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON. An attractive, protective, Root and Earth Star Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astro-crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Saturday, February 18, 2017

2.19.17 SUN Gemstone of Day: SODALITE.

The Moon continues to transit Sagittarius and makes connections to Venus and Neptune. We feel the need to expand our awareness of life and connection to others. Affirmations: “I allow my life to flow freely and unfold perfectly for me.” Use SODALITE to aid you in living your personal truths, to boost communications, and to reduce the fear of public speaking. SODALITE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A cleansing, psychic Throat and Third Eye Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

2.18.17 SAT Gemstone of Day: AMETHYST

The Sun enters Pisces today until March 20th. The Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon occurs this afternoon. Pisces energy is great for creative visualization, spiritual devotion, and universal love. We can also be passive and gullible. The Last Quarter Moon encourages us to complete what we began at the last New Moon. We are in eclipse season so a lot can change Affirmations: “I have the power to visualize and create my life. I am aware of my purpose.” Use AMETHYST to enhance meditation, to boost intuitive powers, and to ease insomnia. AMETHYST resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A protective, psychic Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2.17.17 THUR Gemstone of Day: CHAROITE

The moon is in Scorpio all day connecting to Mercury and Pluto. This great energy for going within and examining our logic and intuition, and how these are two sides of the same coin. Affirmations: “I trust my intuition and I follow it. I expand my knowledge.” Use CHAROITE to enhance analytical abilities, to boost intuitive powers, and to help prevent sleep walking. CHAROITE resonates with ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL. A calming, intuitive Crown Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2.16.17 THUR Gemstone of Day: AQUAMARINE.

Mercury is in harmonious aspect to Mars. We are very mentally sharp and alert. We are ready to make quick decisions. Affirmations: “My mind is alert, my mind is sharp. Everything I need to know is reveled to me.” Use AQUAMARINE improve articulation, to stimulate your intellectual mind, and to help those with Aquaphobia (fear of water.) AQUAMARINE resonates with ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. A healing, restorative Throat Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2.15.17 WED Gemstone of Day: PINK TOURMALINE.

The Moon is in Libra connecting to Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. We are feeling more in charge with our emotions and integrating the awareness made known at the Full Moon. Affirmations: “I am in charge of my emotions. I am empowered when I feel good.” Use PINK TOURMALINE to release stress and anxiety, to support you in making changes to old emotional patterns, and to treat gynecological issues. PINK TOURMALINE resonates with ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL. A healing, cleansing Heart Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at
#onebodywellnesandmetaphysics #crystalhealing #dailyastrology #pinktoumalinehealing #pinktourmaline #astrocrystalhealingbynef #heartchakra #crystalmeditation #chakrabalancing #alternativehealing #astrology #archangelchamuel #anahatachakra #vaginalhealth #emotionalhealing 

Monday, February 13, 2017

2.14.17 TUE Gemstone of Day: BLOODSTONE

2.14.17 TUE Gemstone of Day: BLOODSTONE. Jupiter is quincunx Chiron. Our goals, beliefs and motivations are under review with this aspect that first peaked in December 2016. This is a good time to examine any insecurities that come up. Affirmations: “Life supports me. It is safe for me to look within.” Use BLOODSTONE for protection against bullying, to boost intuition, and to ward off the flu. BLOODSTONE resonates with ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. A healing, energizing Root and Heart Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Friday, February 10, 2017

2.11.17 SAT Gemstone of Day: AMBER

The Sun is in harmony with Jupiter. This optimistic energy encourages us to grow and reach new levels in our business and relationships. Affirmations: “I welcome the new and expansive. I move forward in life.” Use AMBER to boost vitality, to attract good luck, and to detoxify the body. AMBER resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. An attractive, energizing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

2.10.17 FRI Gemstone of Day: YELLOW TOPAZ.

The Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact at 734pm EST.  Eclipses triple the energy of a Full Moon, heralding major endings and beginnings. This Full Moon illuminates our personality and assertiveness and has a flair for the dramatic, especially in relationships.This is also a manifesting Moon. Mercury connects to Uranus. This energy is ripe for epiphanies and breakthroughs. Affirmations: “I see life clearly. I am willing to let go and trust life. I manifest all that I want and need.” Use YELLOW TOPAZ to help you manifest your intentions, to strengthen your will and confidence, and to heal stomach issues. YELLOW TOPAZ resonates with ARCHANGEL URIEL. An attractive, energizing Solar Plexus Chakra crystal.  Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2.9.17 THUR Gemstone of Day: AMETHYST

The Sun is in harmony with Uranus. This is a very innovative energy. We are really tapped into our creativity and willing to try new things. Affirmations: “I am willing to change and to grow. My creativity is in demand.” Use AMETHYST to enhance creativity, for protection against psychic attack, and for headache relief. AMETHYST resonates with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. A healing, protective Crown Chakra crystal. Posted with love and light by Neferititi “Nef” Phillips, Spiritual Life Coach, Fitness Pro, Book your personalized Astrocrystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching Session at

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Moon Phases and Crystal Healing

Find out how you can combine the power of the earth’s closest astronomical body and the power of Crystals and Gemstones to heal and transform your life.

“How much art and science, and what attention, what care is necessary to render the sun beams which are imprisoned in a tiny polyhedron of pure carbon, brilliant and sparkling”  -  Charles Blanc, Art in Ornament and Dress

The Moon and it’s phases has been a celestial guide to mankind since ancient times.  In Astrology, the Moon represents our emotions and is the ruler of Cancer. This natural satellite takes 27.3 days to orbit the Earth, and along it’s travels passes through different Moon Phases. Each phase represents an action step we can take to improve and heal our lives and manifest what we desire.

Crystals and gemstones have also been used for thousands of years as symbols of wealth, for healing, and energy work. Everything that we are and everything that we see is energy. We can align ourselves with the healing power of crystals and gemstones to improve our lives. Using crystals and gemstones with the transiting Moon further amplifies the energy of each Moon Phase.

“The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, colour, and nuance” Arthur Smith

Moon Phases, Meaning, and Corresponding Crystals

Here is an explanation of the energy with each Moon Phase and Crystals that correspond the energy present

New Moon

The New Moon, or the Dark of the Moon carries the energy of new beginnings, fresh start, and renewal. Set positive, present tense intentions and/or affirmations and continue to work with them until the next moon phase.

Crystals/Gemstones for New Moon

Blue Lace Agate 

·        Strengthens the power of your intentions
·         -Dissolves doubt
·         -Relieves stress and decreases resistance
·         -Boost the power of affirmations and intentions
·         -Encourages pragmatic thinking

White Moonstone

·        - Creative visualization
·         -Deep mediation
·         -Psychic protection
·         -Release worry and anxiety
·         -Mental clarity

Crescent Moon

This is a time to really get clear on your hopes and wishes. What do you really want? Were your New Moon Intentions clear? If you did not write you intentions down, now is the time

Crystals/Gemstones for Crescent Moon


·        - Manifestation
·         -Transmutes negative thinking into positive thinking
·         -Boost self-confidence
·         -Attract money
·         -Release fear

Clear Quartz

·        - Amplifies thoughts and the power of other crystals
·         -Energy boost
·         -Mental Clarity
·         -Eliminates toxins from the body and mind
·         -Perseverance and patience

First Quarter Moon

This is a time to examine your intentions and affirmations set at the New Moon. First Quarter Moons often illuminate any challenges we may have with our intentions. This is a time for action

Crystals/Gemstones for First Quarter Moon


·         -Energy boost
·         -Attract prosperity
·         -Increases ambition
·         -Present moment awareness
·         -Boost courage

Tiger’s Eye

·        - Stimulates action
·         -Enhances creativity
·         -Strengthens will
·         -Amplifies the energy of other crystals
·         -Spiritual grounding

Gibbous Moon

Do you need to make adjustments to your plans? What is working and what isn’t?  Gibbous Moons carries the energies of refining and adjusting your intentions and plans in preparation for the Full Moon.

Crystals/Gemstones for Gibbous Moon


·         -Balances mood swings
·         -Support through major life changes
·         -Helps one discover their life purpose
·         -Psychic protection
·         -Boost physical and spiritual communication


·       -  Helps one get through major life changes
·         -Acceptance of life lessons
·         -Boost communication with Spirit world
·         -Helps with grief or loss
·         -Self-acceptance

Full Moon

Full Moons are about manifesting, closure, endings and awareness. Full Moons are emotional, extroverted, demonstrative and relational. Full Moon manifestations generally manifest within 2 weeks, but could take up to 6 months. Full Moon Eclipses are even more potent and intense than a normal Full Moon, prompting major endings. 

Crystals/Gemstones for Full Moon


·         -Promotes good luck
·         -Manifest money
·         -Deflects negative energy from others
·         -Releases toxins from the body
·         -Removes obstacles

Golden Rutilated Quartz

·        - Amplifies intentions and the power of other crystals
·         -Release the past
·         -Release anxiety and self-loathing
·         -Psychic development
·         -Enhances personal and spiritual growth

Disseminating Moon

What are you grateful for? This is a time of sharing and increased optimism.

Crystals/Gemstones for Disseminating Moon

Rose Quartz

·        - Self-love and self-nurturing
·         -Promotes restful sleep
·         -Helps you to accept life’s changes
·         -Heals heart wounds
·         -Inner child healing


·         -Protects emotions
·         -Promotes calm during a loss or adjustment
·         -Increases trust
·         -Dispels negativity
·         -Increases hope in times of difficulty

Balsamic Moon

During this time, the moon is not making any aspects to other planetary bodies, repairing to become new again. This is a time to rest and surrender.

Crystals/Gemstones for Balsamic Moon

Smokey Quartz

·         -Release tension and stress
·         -Spiritual grounding and protection
·         -Aids in smoking cessation
·         -Dissolves negative energy
·         -Promotes deep meditation


·        - Promotes peace and serenity
·         -Enhances meditation
·         -Powerful emotional body cleanser
·         -Decreases panic attacks
·         -Promotes healing after trauma

Additional Tips


     -There are several ways to use crystals and gemstones: Crystal jewelry, pocket stones, crystals grids
      meditation enhancement, crystal elixirs, etc. Research and discover which way is right for you

·         -Set intentions after the New Moon is exact and avoid Moon Void of Course phases for intention work

·         -Crystals absorb energies and should be cleansed and charged on a regular basis. The crystals you wear should be cleansed and charged every day. Sage smudging is safe for all crystals and gemstones. Some crystals can be cleansed with water depending on their hardness. Salt cleansing should be avoided. You can also do a White Light meditation to cleanse your crystals in a pinch.

·         -Moon rituals can be done up to 2 days after the moon phase

·         -Avoid working with too many crystals at once to keep the intentions clear

·         -Charge your crystals under the Full Moon to enhance their powers. Crystals can also be charged with other larger crystals such as Amethyst and Citrine slabs/geodes.

·        - Avoid letting other people handle your personal crystals (expect those used for healing work).Crystals attune to energy and you want your crystals to work for you

I pray this information is helpful and useful for you. If you have any questions, please reply to this 
post or email

Book your personalized Astro Crystal Healing session at